COVID-19 is a global pandemic that took the world by storm thus it is of high importance that the spread of the virus is stopped as soon as possible. The first patients of Coronavirus or COVID-19 appeared in Hubei Province, China in December 2019 and are epidemiologically linked to a seafood and wet animal market in Wuhan. Despite the spread of this virus not being a super-hot one (spreading from one patient to many others) by February 2020 it had spread worldwide. Its symptoms vary from asymptomatic to severe fever and shortness of breath. At Sanitær we deem the safety of our consumers the most important, and our product is helping the prevention of transmitting the disease. Since currently, there is no vaccine available we need to take safety measures against the person-to-person transmission, which is most likely to occur through droplets from sneeze, cough or via direct contact. The Sanitær hand sanitizers are a perfect extension of the conventional safety measures in this regard such as hand washing or wearing masks.
For further information visit the official website of the World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/